The Sam Haskell Scholarship

The Sam Haskell Scholarship
Sam Haskell founded this annual scholarship with the understanding that many students do not have the financial means to further their education. Sam Haskell is an Emmy nominated producer and founder of Magnolia Hill Productions. He was formerly Worldwide Head of Television at the William Morris Agency and is a graduate of the University of Mississippi. Sam has been a lifelong patron for higher education and has helped many young people achieve their academic and professional goals.
The Sam Haskell Scholarship will award one high school senior, current college, or graduate student with a $1,000 scholarship.
Scholarship Eligibility
Current high school senior with a college or university acceptance.
Current college or graduate student.
The essay and form below must be completed in order to be considered eligible for the scholarship.
The selected winner must provide proof of enrollment
Application Process
To submit a scholarship application, fill out the form below completely, and attach your scholarship essay.
Essay Prompt/Question:
Sam Haskell believes that with hard work and dedication, dreams do come true. He also believes that one must stay true to themselves. To enter this scholarship, please share in 500 words or less:
What early life experience has most contributed to who you are today, and how will that help you succeed in higher education?
Application Deadline:
Winner Selection
A winner will be selected and verified during the first week of March 2021. Once the winner has confirmed their eligibility information above, the scholarship will be awarded via check to the school’s financial aid department. Should the winner fail to respond or is unable to validate their academic credentials, a new scholarship winner will be chosen.